Large -scale unemployment! The cement and real estate industry will lay off 400,000 people!

Large -scale unemployment! The cement and real estate industry will lay off 400,000 people!

Recently, Amazon's layoffs on the global communications department, more than 5%of employees of Amazon Studio, PRIME Video and music communication departments have been affected.

Ford Motor also said that 400 people will be further layoffs, involving (the United States Federation/UAW recently provoked) strike, and the number of layoffs related to strike will reach about 1,330.

GM also said that the company will cut off 164 workers in Ohio and Indiana's automotive factories in the United States and Indiana.

Barclays will lay off about 300 people in corporate banks and investment banks, including cutting 50 senior investment banks.

There are nearly 200,000 reductions in the real estate industry

In China, Xu Jiayin was arrested and unveiled a "storm eye" inside Evergrande; 30 design institutes under Country Garden were collectively dissolved, and 2,000 employees were on the hot search list by a pot.

The fate of housing companies seems to be nailed with these two leading companies. It is understood that since this year, real estate companies have decreased salary and reduction, and 22 housing companies have reduced their employees of 28,000 in the past six months. In 2022, TOP50 housing companies reduced their employees by 160,000, and nearly 200,000 were reduced.

Judging from the benefits of housing employees, Evergrande employees are only 4,200 yuan a month, including salary, salary, redness and performance bonuses and various allowances, pension plans and social insurance. How much can be.

Compared with 2022, the average monthly benefits of most housing companies have declined in the first half of the year. In Times, China decreased from 16,800 yuan last year to 5,300 yuan this year. The per capita benefits of employees decreased by 11,500 yuan per month, and salary benefits fell by 68%; Yuzhou Group, compared with 2022, the per capita benefits of employees decreased by 7,400 yuan in the first half of this year, a decrease of 38%.

The average monthly benefits of Poly Real Estate and Heasheng Chuangzhan employees were 9,400 yuan and 11,400 yuan, respectively, with a decrease of more than 30%; the average monthly benefits of Zhongliang Holdings and Minmetals Real Estate were 19,300 yuan and 2,2600 yuan, a decrease of more than 20%.

It can be seen that since last year, most housing companies continued to lay off layoffs and salary reduction in the first half of 2023. The cement industry associated with real estate companies has clearly stated that the next development strategy has continued to streamline the institution and adjusts the personnel structure.

There will be 200,000 people in the cement industry to face unemployment

According to the public data of listed companies, employees of Jinyu Group, Jidong Cement, and Yatai Group from 2019 to 2022 have reduced staff with more than a thousand people. There are more than a hundred people who have more than 100 people in the young, Qilian Mountain, and Taski cement. In 2021 to 2022, more than a hundred people have reduced staff with more than 100 people such as Jinyu Group, Jidong Cement, Wannan, Qilian Mountain, Tache Group, and Qing Songjianhua. However, from the perspective of the future development of the cement industry, this is just the beginning.

Since the beginning of this year, Conch Cement has set up a member of the operation rate, the surplus personnel have been diverted, and the safety awards of some staff have been canceled and reduced, and some employees have taken the initiative to leave. During the same period, employees in many leading companies in Guangdong, Jiangxi and other places feedback that in order to save costs, the enterprises began to work for employees and dismissed their employees. Employees still left a salary of 2000-3000 yuan in the face of money. According to relevant data, nearly 200,000 people will face unemployment in the cement industry in the next 5 years.

Where does the cement plant go from the cement industry?

A production employee of a company in Guizhou stated that it was suspended for 200 days a year and only paid a minimum insurance salary. There was no difference between work and no work. "Fake unemployment" is not as ease in real unemployment, and earn living expenses by part -time jobs.




Employees of a Hebei enterprise said that the enterprise is in a half -stop state for half a year. Most employees choose to work flexibly after choosing "holiday" to maintain their livelihood.

A person in charge of a Cement enterprise in Sichuan said that it has not received performance salary since the second half of last year. The company has closed its fan mills, and employees of the original powder milling station have been compensated by working age.

The person in charge of the union of a cement enterprise in Chongqing said: Fufeng and Beijing -Kowloon's wages are incomplete.


Employees of a Henan enterprise said that the entire industry is in a downward period, and it is a wise move to leave money earlier. If you can't support it, the compensation may not be available.

For layoffs, salary reduction, unemployment ... no matter what, it is helpless for employees. In the future, more cement companies will flow into the society or become a branch of the "flexible employment" army.
