"Belt and Road" Xinjiang Green Construction Expo to build a "green Silk Road" core area

"Belt and Road" Xinjiang Green Construction Expo to build a "green Silk Road" core area


[CABE based in Xinjiang - Radiation to Asia and Europe]

An international building industry trade fair (CABE) in the West that "provides total solutions for green buildings". Is the national "Belt and Road" key exhibition. To implement the "13th Five-Year Plan" strategic pattern, with the theme of "adhering to green development and building green homes" and the concept of "low carbon, environmental protection and green", six theme sections will be set up: green prefabricated buildings, green building energy saving and new building materials, green building stone, green building intelligent system, green building design and materials. Promote green buildings, integrate the development of green building industry into the construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt, let more high-quality enterprises seize market opportunities in Central and West Asia, and build China's international brand and strategy of building energy efficiency and new building materials. At that time, the procurement personnel of famous enterprises in the industry, real estate developers, experts and scholars, and design institutes will gather at the exhibition site to provide a highly professional communication platform for exhibitors and participants.

The "Belt and Road" Xinjiang Green Construction Expo (CABE) was grandly held in Xinjiang International Convention and Exhibition Center on April 13, 2018, with an exhibition area of 25,000 square meters, nearly 600 exhibitors participated in the exhibition, and nearly 30,000 professional visitors and more than 100 mainstream media reported on the exhibition. The organizing committee also invited CCTV, Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily, China News Service and other central media to jointly promote the exhibition. Xinjiang Green Construction Expo has a huge audience procurement database and a professional customer service team, which will open up the Midwest market for excellent enterprises

【Invited audience】

★ Housing function management organization, housing industrialization center, industrial alliance, construction science and technology center, wall reform office, energy saving office, bidding office, etc.

★ Building industrialization, green building, building energy efficiency pilot demonstration city (district), industrial base, industrial park;

★ Senior management and design masters of architectural and environmental design, planning and scientific research institutions;

★ Real estate development enterprises, construction engineering companies, universities and research institutions in the field of architecture, environment and energy;

★ Real estate, construction, civil engineering, building materials, decoration, engineering and other industry related associations/societies;

★ New building materials suppliers, dealers, traders, large building materials markets, logistics and transportation institutions;

★ Internet, BIM, information systems, software development and application, energy saving services and other service organizations.