Why is the prefabricated building the inevitable way of the development of the construction industry?

Why is the prefabricated building the inevitable way of the development of the construction industry?

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It has been more than 70 years since the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Until today, the industrialization of construction has really become the darling of the people, so that more and more construction companies want to join in. Whether it is large, medium-sized, small, or within the industry, outside the industry, are desperately trying to squeeze in.

Why are so many companies so obsessed with building industrialization? There are three main reasons:

1. Seize policy dividends

As we all know, at present, the government is vigorously promoting the construction industrialization related favorable policies continue to increase. Several documents issued by The State Council and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development clearly put forward the development goals of "striving to make prefabricated buildings account for 30% of new buildings in about 10 years" and "by 2020, the proportion of prefabricated buildings in new buildings in the country shall reach more than 15%, of which the key areas shall reach more than 20%". It also points out that all provinces and cities should speed up the implementation of key tasks, strengthen safeguard measures, and promote the comprehensive development of prefabricated buildings.

With the continuous clarification of the central government's policy on the development of prefabricated buildings, the supporting policies of local governments are also intensively landing, at present, many places in the country have issued special guidance on prefabricated buildings and related supporting measures, which can be divided into the following 6 aspects:

(1) In the land transfer link to clarify the proportion of construction projects industrialization area requirements, such as in the annual land supply plan must ensure that a certain proportion of prefabricated construction;

(2) A variety of financial subsidies to support industrialization pilot projects, including scientific and technological innovation special funds to support industrialization projects, priority return to the wall change fund, bulk cement fund; For the introduction of large-scale industrialization special equipment enterprises enjoy the loan discount policy, the use of energy-saving special funds to support industrialization demonstration projects; Enjoy the reduction of urban construction equipment costs, etc.;

(3) Give preferential encouragement to the construction and sales of industrialization projects. If the industrialization cost is included in the construction project cost simultaneously; Provide support in the pre-sales of commercial housing; For the commercial housing projects built in the industrial way to give area incentives;

(4) Support through tax and financial policies. If the manufacturer of components is included in the high-tech industry, enjoy the relevant fiscal and tax preferential policies; Some cities also put forward loan support policies for industrialization projects;

(5) Vigorously encourage the development of finished housing. All localities actively promote the newly built residential decoration in place or menu decoration, development enterprises are responsible for the maintenance of fully renovated residential, and gradually establish a decoration quality insurance guarantee mechanism;

(6) Focus on government investment projects and vigorously promote the construction of industrialization pilot projects. For example, Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Shenzhen and other places have put forward support policies to encourage the use of prefabricated technology and finished housing for affordable housing.

From the road of construction industrialization in developed countries abroad, it can be seen that the strong promotion of policies is bound to push this industry into the air. As long as any enterprise enters the tuyere, it can get a share of the action, which is the so-called "pigs standing in the tuyere can fly." Therefore, many enterprises want to squeeze in and become those who enjoy the policy dividend.

2. Protect existing markets

For the construction enterprises currently in the first-line position in the construction industry, the road of prefabricated building development seems to have no other choice except to try their best to enter.

1. Building industrialization is not a new market

Once you do not seize the opportunity now, then your future advantage in the construction enterprise will be lost. At present, the construction industry housing construction new start area of about 5 billion square meters per year, such data has reached the "peak", the future will gradually decline, if the next 5 years to 10 years, housing construction new start area at a rate of 200-300 million square meters per year decline, after 2025, the annual new start area will be stable at about 3 billion square meters. If 30% of this is built in the prefabricated way, the construction area of prefabricated buildings will reach 1 billion square meters. If the cost of 2000 yuan/square meter is calculated, it is expected that by 2025, the construction industry modernization market will reach 2 trillion yuan per year. Even if we calculate according to the average prefabrication rate of 30%, the market size of pure prefabricated construction mode is also 600 billion yuan. How big is this number? He is basically close to the total revenue of China's two construction companies - China Construction No. 3 and China Construction No. 8 in 2017. Once such a large market is lost, it may directly affect the status of construction enterprises currently in the front line.

2 Project general contracting is the inevitable trend of the development of the construction industry

In the past two years, project general contracting has been vigorously promoted at the national level as an important way to promote the quality and efficiency of engineering construction, promote the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry, and enhance the international competitiveness of construction enterprises. In 2016, the "Several Opinions on Further Strengthening the Management of Urban Planning and Construction" issued by The State Council clearly put forward: In the same year, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued Several Opinions on Further Promoting the Development of Project General Contracting, advocating that construction units should give priority to the use of project general contracting mode, of which government-invested projects and prefabricated buildings should actively use the project general contracting mode. Therefore, enhancing the ability of project general contracting will be an inevitable choice for large construction enterprises to expand their scale and occupy the high-end market.

The systematic characteristics of prefabricated building projects determine that the development of prefabricated buildings inevitably requires the coordination of the whole industrial chain to achieve the effective connection of design, production, construction and other links. In the "Guidance on Vigorously developing prefabricated buildings" issued by The State Council in 2016, it was pointed out that "prefabricated buildings should adopt the project general contracting mode in principle." Support large design, construction and parts production enterprises through the adjustment of organizational structure, improve the management system, to have the engineering management, design, construction, production, procurement capabilities of the general contract enterprise transformation."

Therefore, we can see that in the case of the rapid expansion of the prefabricated construction market, taking the development of prefabricated buildings as the entry point is an important carrier to promote the development of the scale of project general contracting business and improve the ability of project general contracting business. It is estimated that depending on the assembly rate, the proportion of component income pulling the construction general contract is between 1:5 and 1:15, and the proportion pulling the project general contract is even higher.

Therefore, for some construction enterprises, whether in order to maintain the current status of the enterprise, or in order to develop prefabricated buildings as the entry point to drive the general contracting business, construction industrialization must be advanced.

3. Seize opportunities for development

At present, prefabricated buildings are ushering in a golden period of rapid development, for any emerging market, who can seize the opportunity, who is likely to occupy this market. For the industrialization of construction, it seems more important to get the first place. Because the market concentration of construction industrialization is higher than the traditional construction model, there are more than 80,000 construction enterprises in the traditional field of domestic construction, and about 800 enterprises can do the total contract in the field of construction industrialization, the difference between the two is nearly 100 times. This means that if construction companies do not enter the market at this early stage, there may not be any chance to enter again in the future.

In recent years, many traditional construction enterprises have laid out the construction industrialization and established a number of prefabricated building prefabricated components production bases, and competition has begun to appear in the field of construction industrialization. At present, large PC companies such as China Construction Technology, Broad Residential Industry, and Zhongmin Zhuyou have accelerated the pace of national layout, and expanded rapidly with the technology, management and brand advantages accumulated in the field of construction industrialization.

The best time to enter an industry is the night before the market breaks out, not only to spend time, energy and money waiting for market opportunities, but also to seize the market opportunities that quickly emerge. In today's policy of strong promotion, any hesitation, hesitation, may lose the best opportunity to enter. In fact, now ready to enter the field of prefabricated construction of a large number of enterprises, in a variety of ways, ideas continue to innovate, and then hesitate, the prefabricated construction market has been colorful, then it may be too late.

Source: Sohu News