Guilin, Guangxi, has stepped up enforcement to ensure no concrete or debris spills

Guilin, Guangxi, has stepped up enforcement to ensure no concrete or debris spills


In order to implement the relevant instructions of Guilin Municipal Party Committee and Municipal government on strengthening concrete transportation management, on the morning of September 18, Guilin Urban Management Commission organized a meeting on concrete transportation management in the city. The meeting stressed that in the post-sprint stage of creating a civilized city, all walks of life in the city must strictly implement the enterprise production and vehicle management system, and the environmental protection, industry and information technology, housing and urban management departments should increase joint law enforcement efforts to ensure that there will be no more concrete or residue leakage pollution incidents during the key period of the city, and make due contributions to the creation of a national civilized city in Guilin.

The meeting pointed out that recently, on urban roads such as Wanfu Road, West Second Ring Road and Guimo Road in Guilin City, a number of concrete companies have continuously leaked on the road, resulting in serious pollution incidents, which seriously affected the appearance of the city. All walks of life in the city must enhance the sense of ownership and honor, enhance the sense of integrity, strict enterprise production and vehicle management system; The departments of environmental protection, industry and information technology, housing construction and urban management should increase joint law enforcement efforts and strictly manage and impose heavy penalties. All concrete production and transportation enterprises should firmly grasp the implementation of various work to ensure that there will be no more concrete or residue leakage pollution incidents in the future, and make due contributions to the creation of a national civilized city in Guilin.

The Municipal Commission of Housing and Construction, the Commission of Industry and Information Technology, the Environmental Protection Bureau and the Urban Management Commission respectively informed the relevant situation of the production of concrete enterprises, the transportation management of concrete used in construction sites in Guilin city and environmental law enforcement, as well as the disposal management of construction waste. Concrete production enterprises and construction waste transportation enterprises on behalf of the city's 19 related enterprises respectively made statements. The urban Management Commission of Guilin City concrete transportation management put forward specific requirements.

Lingchuan County and six districts, city Public Security Bureau relevant leaders, Lingchuan county and six districts of the main concrete production enterprises, concrete association and ready mix mortar association, Lingchuan county and six districts of the use of concrete in the main construction sites, urban 19 construction waste corporation transportation companies responsible for the meeting.