Qingdao Chengyang District Science and Technology Bureau Director Ji Lingling and his delegation visited Zhongqing Forest for investigation and guidance

Qingdao Chengyang District Science and Technology Bureau Director Ji Lingling and his delegation visited Zhongqing Forest for investigation and guidance

On the morning of March 9, Ji Lingling, Director of the Science and Technology Bureau of Chengyang District of Qingdao, and Fan Zilong, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of Xiazhuang Street, visited Zhongqinglin with important members.

Lin Dong, Vice chairman of Zhongqinglin Group, Wang Shihua, Liu Dewei and other general managers accompanied the leaders to visit and exchange.

Visit the mixing plant area

General Manager Lin reported in detail the technical innovation and wide application fields in the field of mixing equipment, which was highly recognized by Director Ji.

In the mixing laboratory, Director Ji praised the experimental effects and data of hundreds of new materials, as well as the results of university cooperation.

Visit the Qingdao digital workshop benchmarking demonstration project

In the digital workshop, Director Gong explained in detail that through lean production and the transformation and upgrading of hardware and software, we have created a digital benchmark demonstration enterprise in Qingdao, realized real-time collection of basic data, and made the entire production site completely transparent, so as to improve quality, reduce cost and increase efficiency.

Visit the pump factory

Discussion and exchange

Continuous innovation is the inexhaustible driving force for the high-quality development of enterprises. Director Ji highly praised the achievements of Zhongqinglin Group and fully affirmed the efforts of Zhongqinglin in technological innovation and R&D investment. The Bureau of Discipline said that the science and Technology Bureau issued a series of pro-enterprise policies to support the development of enterprises to help enterprises develop high-quality in the cultivation and introduction of talents and technological innovation.