Warmly celebrate the success of Zhongqinglin Group's 2019 Annual meeting of "One heart, One Force, One Peer"!

Warmly celebrate the success of Zhongqinglin Group's 2019 Annual meeting of "One heart, One Force, One Peer"!

On January 16, 2020, Zhongqinglin Group's 2019 annual meeting and Sales Commendation Conference of "Working together" theme was held in Qingdao headquarters. Sales elites from all over the country gathered together to share the fruitful results achieved in 2019 and welcome a better tomorrow in 2020.


◆Sales elite returned with a reputation◆


◆Champagne Tower kicks off the annual feast◆

2019 is a very extraordinary year for Zhongqinglin, because in the past year, we have encountered more difficulties, setbacks and pressure than ever before, of course, under the leadership of the group head office, we have also achieved better performance and achievements than ever before, at the beginning of the conference, Wang Shihua, general manager of Zhongqinglin Group, made an annual work report on behalf of the group company.


◆Group general manager annual work report◆

As one of the most important departments of the group, the financial department plays an indispensable role. Next, Zhai Mingxin, the financial director of the Group, makes the annual financial report.


◆The financial director makes the annual report◆

There are 28 branches of the four sub-groups of Zhongqinglin Group, and every step of the group is inseparable from the support and dedication of many subsidiaries. It is the support of so many brother companies that the group can go better and bigger, and the conference will first commend the company with better performance indicators, profit indicators, and brand promotion.


◆Outstanding company recognition◆

The development and growth of Zhongqinglin Group cannot be separated from the hard work of every employee, the division of labor between the eight departments is clear, interlinked and interdependent, and the conference also commended the excellent departments.


◆Outstanding department commendation◆

The conference has special awards for outstanding individuals and the most positive energy. I believe that under the leadership of these excellent colleagues, the cultural atmosphere of Zhongqinglin Group will be stronger, and Zhongqinglin people will be stronger and more indefatigable!


◆Outstanding individual recognition◆

From entrepreneurship to maintenance, Zhongqinglin Group has gone through 26 years of spring and autumn, in these 26 years, there are such a group of people, they hide their dreams in the heart, the responsibility against the shoulder, they are unknown they work hard, they use their youth and sweat to witness every step of the company's growth. Perhaps the most beautiful words, the most abundant money can not measure their efforts. Because the company is their other home, they work hard for it, they are the sales team in the front line!

A group of people, a road, insist on going on, a group of people with a heart, and then bitter and tired are willing to, no matter how much wind and rain, we face the wind, no matter how many failures, we never give up, Zhongqinglin Group Zhengzhou Sales Company a song "do not give up", singing the voice of the sales staff, will also bring the conference into another climax!


◆Zhengzhou Office song "Don't Give Up"◆

The conference announced the 2019 annual sales revenue list, with the announcement of a string of figures, the scene was boiling, Zhongqinglin Group, with strength proof, to provide employees with a platform to realize the value of life, business personnel, but also with excellent performance, handed in a satisfactory answer sheet!


◆Publish income rankings◆

◆Dole out cash incentives ◆

◆2019 Sales Elite◆

◆2019 Sales Rookie of the Year◆

◆The most innovative market award◆

◆Excellent Sales office◆

To be an expert in mixing equipment in 200 countries in the world is a hundred years of development policy proposed by Chairman Lin, and is also what Zhongqinglin Group is doing down to earth. Up to now, the group has established four mature international trade teams, and its products have been exported to more than 50 countries and regions in the world, and successfully entered the high-end market in Europe. The achievement of these achievements is inseparable from the unremitting struggle of the Guomao team!

The conference site also held a tense and interesting lottery, interactive links, sales elites versatile, the atmosphere of the conference is unprecedented warm.

Lin Lijin, chairman of Zhongqinglin Group, delivered the closing speech for the conference, and Chairman Lin recognized the achievements of all employees, but also put forward higher expectations, to be specialized for a long time and stronger, to be an expert in mixing equipment in 200 countries in the world, is the goal of all Zhongqinglin people!

Flying song

The song is about the unforgettable years

Condensed is the heart of the same emotions

Familiar melody

It's the excitement of being together at this moment

Reverberating is the true feelings of the Qinglin people

I and my motherland how hard to give up the feelings

Me and my green forest what a moving night

Happy time is always short

We waved goodbye

Although we can't stop the passage of time

But we can remember the glorious moment of this moment

Farewell today we will stand at a new starting point

We will use hard work to shape a more brilliant future

Zhongqinglin Group's 2019 annual "Together with the same strength" theme annual meeting was successfully concluded in the song, and I wish everyone good health and good luck in the New Year!

Zhongqinglin Group core value concept

Enterprise mission Continue to create greater value for customers to provide employees with a platform to realize the value of life to assume more responsibility for the society

Enterprise strategy to be a high-quality manufacturer of the whole industrial chain of concrete machinery, to provide customers with the overall solution of mixing, pumping, environmental protection and intelligent interconnection.

Corporate values Integrity, integrity, initiative, team, sustainability

More product information please call Zhongqinglin Group for free! Zhongqinglin Group headquarters Contact:

Sales hotline: 0532-87700000 Service hotline: 0532-87876767 E-mail: zql@sisoul.cn