Warmly celebrate the Qingdao Chengyang District Construction Machinery Industry Association "Old and new kinetic energy conversion, innovation driven high-quality development" theme annual meeting successfully concluded!

Warmly celebrate the Qingdao Chengyang District Construction Machinery Industry Association "Old and new kinetic energy conversion, innovation driven high-quality development" theme annual meeting successfully concluded!



Time flies, time flies, proud snow and frost, a gathering of talents. At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, with the pace of the coming of the deep winter, with the joy of the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China, we gathered again to discuss cooperation and seek common development, and jointly ushered in the third annual event of Qingdao Chengyang District construction Machinery Industry Association!

The conference had the honor to invite Li Yongsheng, secretary of the Party Group of Chengyang District Industry and Information Bureau of Qingdao City, in addition to Secretary Li, attended the conference also with President Lin Lijin as the core of the council members and representatives of member units, industry experts and so on.

Secretary Li Yongsheng's opening address to the conference:

The association has been established for three years since January 2017. In these three years, the healthy development and operation of the association benefited from the correct leadership and strong support of the district Party Committee and the district government. While fully affirming the work of the Association, Secretary Li made us more aware of the status and role of the association in the current economic and social development, and fully realized the significance of industry associations in serving economic development.

Deputy Secretary-General Xu Junfei made the annual report of the association:

Deputy Secretary-General Xu spoke at the conference about a very rich information in the construction machinery industry, and his unique views are more profound with the blessing of the data. In the past two years, the construction machinery industry has picked up significantly, thanks to the promotion of the structural adjustment of the construction machinery market, and the acceleration of the conversion of new and old kinetic energy; Deputy Secretary-General Xu also summarized and affirmed the work achievements of the association in the past year, and put forward requirements for the key work of the association next year.

Yu Zhoushuai, vice president unit representative and general manager of PC Division of New Construction Machinery Co., LTD., made a conference report:

Mr. Yu pointed out in the report that if the construction machinery industry wants to achieve sustainable development, it is necessary to update the development concept: saving resources, reducing waste, and realizing humanization. The new construction machine walks in the forefront of the green transformation of construction machinery, and realizes the harmonious unity of industry development and ecological environment.

Hua Chengfang, representative of excellent member units and general manager of Henghui Special Paint Co., LTD., made a conference report:

General Hua pointed out in the report: manufacturing is China's advantage industry, The State Council issued the "Made in China 2025" plan, adhere to innovation-driven, intelligent transformation, strengthen the foundation, green development, and accelerate the transformation from a manufacturing power to a manufacturing power. Around the realization of the strategic goal of manufacturing power, "Made in China 2025" will vigorously promote the breakthrough development of key areas, including new materials represented by water-based coatings and other ten areas. I will also actively promote the application of water-based paint, I believe that in the near future, the member units will be able to usher in greater development!

Mr. Yan Litao, Vice president unit representative and general manager of Konile Group, delivered a report:

General mentioned in the report: in recent years, China's motor vehicle emission standards have gradually improved, in 2001, the first stage of national motor vehicle emission standards began to implement, after more than ten years of development, the current national implementation of the fifth stage of national emission standards, key areas to implement the sixth stage of emission standards, and put forward higher requirements for the concrete pump truck industry. Cornelle Group has been closely following the pace of national standards, upgrading from production, quality control, materials, technology and other aspects. In 2020, we will be able to get new breakthroughs and changes, and make our own contributions to China's pumping industry.

Representative of excellent member units, General manager of Baoliqiang Hydraulic Transmission Co., LTD. Chen Xuezhai made a report:

Mr. Chen explained in detail the advantages of the industrial park in the more intense competition at the meeting. In the process of converting old and new kinetic energy, Qingdao has revitalized idle land and inefficient land, promoted old industrial parks to achieve "industrial upstairs", and "free cages for birds" to gain new vitality. Last year, Chengyang District took the lead in the province to issue the "Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the economic development of high-rise industrial Buildings" and "implementation Rules", improve the level of land conservation and intensive use by guiding "industry upstairs", build "urban industry" new business format, so that the stock of land to achieve double benefits, the association is also actively responding to the call of the local government, seize the opportunity, To build concrete machinery intelligent manufacturing industrial park.

Zhang Qingjun, vice president unit representative and purchasing director of Konile Machinery Equipment Co., LTD., made a conference report:

As the vice president of the unit of Konile Machinery Company, has always been my focus on the enterprise. As a leader in the mixer industry, Koneler Machinery adopts modern shot blasting production line, fully automatic welding robot, closely follows the wind direction of the transformation of old and new kinetic energy, and continuously innovates to drive enterprises and products to high-quality development. Relying on the future industrial park project, we will continue to deepen cooperation with member units, stimulate potential, build a community of destiny, and achieve win-win cooperation.

Xiao Maochang, Vice president unit representative and general manager of Furi Motor Co., LTD., made a report:

In order to adapt to the trend of the conversion of old and new kinetic energy and continuously improve the market competitiveness of products, Vosges Electric has always positioned itself with high precision and high quality in raw materials, technology research and development, processing equipment, testing equipment and other aspects, providing customers with high-quality products and services. Only by improving its own quality and competitiveness can it enhance the competitiveness of customers, so as to achieve the purpose of combining strength with strength. Mr. Xiao pointed out that in the future, relying on the strong platform of the association, the enterprise will become bigger and stronger, and join hands with the member units of the association to build a community of destiny and seek common development.

Yu Naiqun, vice president unit representative and technical director of Zhongqingde Intelligent Technology Co., LTD., made a report on the conference:

Yu Gong pointed out: robots to replace artificial welding, the manufacturing industry to intelligent manufacturing upgrading in full swing, in the transformation of old and new kinetic energy, with innovative thinking, innovative mode, innovative tools, in order to ensure high-quality development. Intelligent robots, intelligent factories, this is not only the development direction of the construction machinery industry, but also the development direction of all walks of life in the future!

Yu Shengbo, representative of excellent member units and general manager of Dongdao Intelligent Technology Co., LTD., made a report on the conference:

In the report, Mr. Yu once again stressed to us that in the implementation of the grand plan of "Made in China 2025", it is urgent to adjust the structure and transform and upgrade the manufacturing industry. As the basis of promoting intelligent manufacturing, lean production mode points out the way for the transformation of production mode of manufacturing enterprises. I hope that all member units can gradually and steadily embark on the road of lean management, doing fine and stronger!

Xu Bin, vice president unit representative and general manager of Empu Environmental Protection Equipment Co., LTD., made a report:

Empu Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. is a member of the vice president unit just absorbed by the Association in 2019. Attaching importance to development and environmental protection first is the constant concept of Empu environmental protection. They are the construction machinery industry old and new kinetic energy conversion of the tide, is the green mountains is Jinshan Yinshan "two mountains" theory practitioners. Innovation and development, environmental protection first, is the direction and goal of all people in the engineering industry.

Specially engaged expert Yang Bin to make the conference report, he has won the second and third prizes of science and technology progress in Hebei Province; As the first inventor, he has applied for 11 technical patents, including 4 invention patents; His two papers have won the first prize and the third prize of the 2018 Concrete Industry Association paper selection; He proposed and developed 4 bridge 62 meters, 5 bridge 68 meters all steel pump truck, of which 4 bridge 62 meters record has not been broken until this year, 5 bridge 68 meters pump truck record has not been broken. Yang Gong conducted a comprehensive analysis of the industry at the conference, especially put forward new views and arguments on the development of China's pumping industry, which benefited all the guests present.

Dong Dalei, vice president of Huace Architecture Research Institute, made a report on the conference: President Dong deeply studied the design of existing high-rise industrial buildings, and also explained the prototype of future industrial buildings in detail for each guest present. The momentum of China's construction machinery industry is getting better and better, and high-rise building design will gradually enter tens of thousands of enterprises.

Lin Lijin, President of the Association and Chairman of Zhongqinglin Group, delivered the closing speech:

In 2019, under the correct leadership of President Lin, the association is moving forward steadily in accordance with the five-year development plan. In 2019, the President led enterprises to go abroad for several times to integrate global resources for the development of the Association; Learn from Shenzhen and catch up with Shenzhen, join the Qingshen Entrepreneurs Association, and open up a new path to catch up with Shenzhen in a comprehensive, in-depth and systematic way; On November 29, 2019, the "High-level Industrial Building and Advanced Manufacturing Project Signing Activity" in Chengyang District was held in Xiazhuang Street. 10 manufacturing projects were signed on the site, with a total investment of 6.5 billion yuan, and 8 projects were constructed in the form of high-rise industrial buildings, including the Zhongqinglin Group industrial building industrial Park project.

Forge ahead in a new era of high-quality development of machinery industry, concentric concrete machinery manufacturing power China dream. It is hoped that under the leadership of President Lin, all member units will continue to deepen cooperation, promote mutual benefit and win-win, gradually optimize the industrial chain system, and strive to build a community of shared future. We will move faster to replace old growth drivers with new ones, increase investment in innovation, and drive industries and enterprises toward high-quality development. Strive to achieve manufacturing power, to achieve the "two centenary" goals, and to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

This article is transferred from Qingdao Chengyang District construction machinery Industry Association, welcome to scan code attention, reprint please indicate the source!


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